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Archive of past drafts and related working documents.

RCD history by dray — last modified 2007-04-08 09:04
The LTSC RCD project was started in 1999 and went into a period of inactivity while the IMS RDCEO specification was being developed. Following publication of the IMS RDCEO spec, after a long period of negotiation the IMS and the IEEE LTSC agreed to use the RDCEO specification as a base document for the IEEE RCD standard. This folder contains the original IEEE PAR for the P1484.20 project and the IMS letter and memo covering the use of the IMS RDCEO specification as base document for P1484.20
RCD Past Drafts by dray — last modified 2007-04-08 09:04
Drafts and documents related to specific draft versions
Old Competencies Working Group Site by dray — last modified 2007-04-08 09:04
Competencies Working Group site maintained at