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The RAMLET project by dray — last modified 2007-04-08 09:03
The RAMLET project-- Developing a reference model for resource aggregation for learning, ecucation, and training. This document describes the Ramlet project to produce an IEEE standard that will define a reference model for resource aggregation. If you have problems accessing this file, you may need to upgrade to a recent version of the Adobe Acrobat reader
RAMLET core ontology v6 by dray — last modified 2007-04-08 09:03
This is the version of the ontology that incorporates all the changes agreed during the Orlando meeting. The main changes are the collapse of the old DigitalResource and PropertyObject classes, and the re-use of external vocabularies for some of the properties.
Draft RAMLET to CP by dray — last modified 2007-04-08 09:03
Just a sketch to illustrate the OWL DL and Lite issue I talked about on the 8 Dec call. The issue is the local restrictions on the properties.
RAMLET Core Ontology by dray — last modified 2008-08-14 09:16
This is intended to be the URL of whatever is the latest version of the core RAMLET ontology. Version information is included in the OWL file itself. Current version (14 August 2008) is 0.9.12
RAMLET core to CP mapping by dray — last modified 2008-08-14 09:20
This is intended to be the permanent place for the RAMLET core ontology to IMS Content Packaging mapping. Versions will change, though. As of 14 August 2008, the version is 0.9.99
RAMLET core to METS mapping by dray — last modified 2008-08-14 09:21
This is intended to be the permanent place for the mapping of the core RAMLET ontology to METS. Current version (14 August 2008) is 0.2.95
RAMLET core to Atom mapping by dray — last modified 2008-08-14 09:27
This is intended to be the permanent place for the mapping of the core RAMLET ontology to IETF Atom. Current version (14 August 2008) is 0.1.8
RAMLET core to MPEG21 DID mapping by Wilbert Kraan — last modified 2008-08-14 09:24
This is intended to be the permanent place for the mapping of the core RAMLET ontology to METS. Current version (14 August 2008) is 0.9.87
XLink ontology by Wilbert Kraan — last modified 2008-08-14 07:08
This simple ontology models the W3C's Xlink specification ( As of August 14 2008, the version is 0.1