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First Meeting of Simulation Interface Standards Study Group

by dray last modified 2007-04-08 23:15

First meeting of SIM Study Group to be held in San Diego, California, February 2 - 3. Position papers requested by January 20.

In a joint effort with the SISO SAC, the LTSC Simulation Interface Standards Study Group (SIM SG) will hold an in initial meeting in San Diego, California on February 2 - 3, 2006. A call for position papers has been issued. All interested parties are encouraged to submit (brief!) position papers and to attend the meeting.

This meeting will take place as part of an an AICC meeting. As with all LTSC meetings, this meeting is open to anyone with an interest.

A follow-up meeting is planned for the first week of April in Huntsville, Alabama in conjunction with the 2006 Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop.

Please check for updates. A SISO reflector will be announced for pending approval of terms of reference by the SISO SAC.

For more information please contact the Study Group Chair, Geoff Frank, or the LTSC Chair.