BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//AT Content Types//AT Event//EN VERSION:2.0 METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20080828T034542Z CREATED:20050902T144808Z UID:ATEvent-504e12b1f188b145dbb34c6d039048cb LAST-MODIFIED:20070406T002910Z SUMMARY:RAMLET 8 September 2005 Telecon DTSTART:20050908T170000Z DTEND:20050908T180000Z DESCRIPTION:Date\: Thursday 8 September 2005\nTime\: 1.00pm U.S. Pacif ic Daylight Time\nDial-in\: +1-702-835-5000\nPasscode\: 5872264\n\n\nE nter Breeze meeting room as a "guest" using your own name as the sign- in.\nhttp\://\n\n\nAGENDA\:\n* G eneral Business Content Packaging subgroup \n* Public Information Doc ument \n* WIlbert and Robby's CP ontology \n* Rolfs documents will be discussed next week\n\nIf I do not make the call it is because I am i n an airport and not able to access a decent phone connection. Please continue with the meeting without me. LOCATION:Teleconference CATEGORIES:Meeting CONTACT:Kerry Blinco\, +61419787992\, CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR